
Welcome to North Idaho Wildlife Control! 

Nestled up against the mountains and lake, the geography of Sandpoint and the surrounding towns is teeming with wildlife and has created the need for our company, North Idaho Wildlife Control. 

When I was a boy, there were hardly any raccoons around, and not nearly as many skunks, but with all the lake and river front homes and people feeding their pets outside, the population of these animals has exploded. 

Most of these animals are primarily nocturnal so the average homeowner doesn't see all the nighttime action on their property, leading to our slogan, "What's in your yard at night?".  And often, by time you do see the signs, the damage is already done. 

So if you think you have a problem, give us a call and schedule a site evaluation from myself or one of our professional staff. 

Thank you, 

Roy Long